
The MP-1.55-XXX-YYY-A-ST is a 1.55mm absolute pressure sensor with a grid and can withstand temperatures up to 100°C.



The MP-1.55-XXX-YYY-A-ST is a small pressure sensor with an inconel or stainless steel grid that can be opened or closed. YYY refers to the different pressure ranges available (002, 004, 007) bar and XXX to the different grid configurations (TIG, TSG, TIO, TSO). This pressure sensor is absolute, it has a cylindrical configuration.

  • A diameter of 1.55 mm
  • Pressure range from 2 to 7 bar (30 to 100 PSI)
  • Can withstand up to 100 °C
  • A high resonance frequency of up to 2.7 MHz

This sensor has been used in various applications such as instrumentation, aerodynamic tests, pumps, biomedical, ... 

You can also find more information about our sensors on the website: